Halloween Costume ideas 2015

ARDUINO / Interfacing with Thinker1

Continuing with my previous journey on: "How we could interface Blender with Arduino".

So, we kind of know that we can use OSC (Open Sound Controller) to talk between machine or program, now we could apparently use SERIAL port as well.

The Arduino that I am using is "Thinker1" from Powerhouse Museum, a prototype board for their ThinkSpace workshops. It has:
  • 6 x LED (3 of them support PWM to fade)
  • 1 x Potentiometer
  • 1 x Button/Switch
  • 1 x Light Sensor
You can use any Arduino, at least with LED, Potentiometer or Switch.

For example:
If your Arduino board have Potentiometer (aka Knob) with 0-1023 INPUT value that is passed into Serial Port, you CAN create a setup that allows you to control (change position, size, etc) of 3D Blender object or BGE object using that Potentiometer.

At least, that's really the idea I want to try and implement. Not as easy as I thought.... (from a non-programmer perspective)

However, we know and hope the answers are out there.


This discussion below explains how you would install PySerial library for Python 3.3 and how you can use it inside Blender:

Especially this part: (screenshot)

There is probably a better way so that we could run the setup.py of PySerial from inside Blender Python console so that we get the "serial" Library directly, instead of having to source from outside Python. However, above steps should work.

Read also this nicely written article on how you can start and test the Arduino and ensure the PySerial is installed properly:

There is a bug in installation, you probably need to install the Serial from Python 2.7 and then convert the Serial folder for Python 3.

Both Mac and Windows has some hickup in installing the PySerial.

Once you have successfully installed the PySerial Library properly (for Python 3.3), you will then have a folder inside your site-package folder of your Python 3.3 Library, from which then you can copy paste into the one inside Blender program.

Sounds like a long steps, however, I actually learned quite a lot from this study.


Reading SERIAL data is apparently an interesting challenge in itself. SERIAL data is in BYTES.

I posted a question and luckily I have some help from Blender Artist forum.

Thanks to Prof.Monster and agoose77!

Now, if we want to read SERIAL values, we first need to setup our Arduino (using Arduino program) to send some data into the board. We can then check it using Arduino's own Serial Monitor.


// connecting the value of potentiometer to LED lights
int led1Pin = 8;
int led2Pin = 9;
int led3Pin = 10;
int led4Pin = 11;
int led5Pin = 12;
int led6Pin = 13;
int potPin = 5;
//int buzzerPin = 3;
int potValue = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led3Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led4Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led5Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led6Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
  //pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
  // turn the serial port on

void loop()
  // get potentiometer value
  potValue = analogRead(potPin);
  //print the contents of the variable to the serial monitor
  // remap the potValue for buzzer (if needed)
  if (potValue < 1)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 0, 50);
  else if (potValue < 1024/6)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 261.63, 50);
  else if (potValue < (1024/6)*2)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 293.67, 50);
  else if (potValue < (1024/6)*3)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 329.63, 50);
  else if (potValue < (1024/6)*4)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 349.23, 50);
  else if (potValue < (1024/6)*5)
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, LOW);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 392.0, 50);
    digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led4Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led5Pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(led6Pin, HIGH);
    //tone(buzzerPin, 440.0, 50);
  int val = map(analogRead(potPin), 0, 1023, 0, 255);

Before later we jump into Blender Game Engine and create the setup. Below is the MODULE Python script that will read the data from SERIAL:

PS: I am using Windows here, so the SERIAL PORT is COM3, but on Mac it would be like TTY something.


from bge import logic
from bge import events

import math
import serial
import struct 

def convert(str):
        base = 10  # default
        if ':' in str:
            sstr = str.split(':')
            base, str = int(sstr[0]), sstr[1]
        val = int(str, base)
        #lastvalue = val
    except ValueError:
        val = 0

    return val

def update_arduino(arduino, obj):
        data = arduino.readline()
    except Exception as err:

    # Clean up data
    data = data.decode('ascii').strip()
    # All these below did not work :(
    #newdata = data.splitlines()
    #newdata = int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big', signed=True)
    #does not like INPUT, freeze BGE
    #newdata = input(data)
    # Finally... turn data into INTEGER!
    data = int(convert(data))
    obj.worldScale = (data, data, data)

def main(cont):
    own = cont.owner

        arduino = own['arduino']
    except KeyError:
        arduino = own['arduino'] = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600, timeout=0)

    update_arduino(arduino, own)

Notice a few things:
1. We need to use the TIMEOUT and TIMER.
2. We need to convert the DATA from format that looks like this: b'255'\n\r into a normal number that Blender Game Engine can read.
3. We also need to take consideration of BUFFER data.
4. SERIAL data can be read with readline() or read(1) --> these are all CHAR format.

Above will work up to certain extent.

You might want to do the other way around. Sending data from Blender Game Engine, back into Arduino controller to control things such as LED light.

Below is the actual demo. There is that glitch shown here, but the glitch disappear after I added "timeout" to the PySerial function, you can trust me on that:


This is from book titled "Programming Arduino: Next Steps" by Simon Monk. It mentions SENSOR and ACTUATOR. Just like inside BGE.

Using above example, we basically have successfully able to tell BGE to READ the Serial stream of data/message from the Arduino.

Now, we want to do the opposite and to actually WRITE to the Arduino.

For a total beginner to Arduino or for someone interested to actually learn Arduino, the steps are basically like this (my own understanding):
1. We hook up the Arduino via USB. It will power up the Arduino and it will run the "last program uploaded".
2. Using Arduino Program (similar to Processing), we can write our code to be uploaded back into the Arduino as stand alone running hardware.
3. The Arduino talks and communicates in SERIAL data to INPUT or OUTPUT to the LED, beeper, potentiometer.
4. We can either READ or WRITE the SERIAL data from Arduino, which basically like either LISTEN or TALK/SEND COMMAND to the Arduino.

In a diagram:
Computer => Arduino => Potentiometer => Send Message => Serial
BGE => Listen to Message => Arduino => Serial => BGE moves object, etc.

Computer => Arduino => Listen to Message => Serial
BGE => Send Message => Serial => Arduino => LED Blinks, beeps, etc.

We always begin by program the Arduino first to either tp WRITE (send) / to READ (or listen). Once the Arduino program is running, we can then use a different way to interface with the SERIAL of Arduino.

We can use Processing, Scratch, Python, and so on, but of course we are using Blender Game Engine (BGE) and its real time Python capability.

Apparently to TALK to Arduino is quite simple, we simply just use the Serial.write() function from PySerial, by doing that the BGE can control the Arduino.

This is Arduino program that listen and wait for a message and converting the message into BLINK and BEEP that simulates the MORSE code. The example is from book by Simon Monk. Here, on the left side is the SERIAL MONITOR that comes with Arduino Program. We basically replace the SERIAL MONITOR with BGE PYTHON to send the command.


from bge import logic
from bge import events

import math
import serial

### Below is other stuff related to Font Object
import bge
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
dynamicText = scene.objects['Text']


def pressedEnter():
    dynamicText.text = 'Arduino Go!'
    dynamicText.color = [1,0,0,1]
    dynamicText.size = 1
    dynamicText.state = 2
    dynamicText.visible = True

def update_arduino(arduino, obj):
        print("translating morse code... tap again")
    except Exception as err:
        return print("hey error man")

def main(cont):
    # Get the cube controller
    cont = logic.getCurrentController()
    own = cont.owner

        arduino = own['arduino']
    except KeyError:
        arduino = own['arduino'] = serial.Serial('COM3', 9600, timeout = 0.1)

    update_arduino(arduino, own) 


From what I collect, it seems like Arduino will only either send and receive a single string of data, like a single stream of water on a pipe.

So we cannot really pipe in multiple streams of data (unlike OSC?).

However, we can "label" things that come into the stream, read the type and design a system that reads that single string that filter it out to control multiple objects. With that we can simulate parallel actions.

Just like stream of sushi and sashimi on a "sushi train". You can spot "the price" by plate color, or you can filter out by the look of it, what type of sushi or sashimi coming, then trigger something.

Thanks to James Oliver for this information.


If you have question like the heading above, the video below will answer your question about the differences between Arduino and Raspberry Pi:

RasPi is basically just like a computer with Linux OS, but it is very cheap and small, limited in power, but still powerful as it is. The current generation of RasPi cannot run Blender, well it can but not at a decent level. The normal computers people using to run Blender is basically can be 400 times more powerful and faster. RasPi comes with Python and programming app like Scratch.

Arduino is simpler than RasPi, it is also small, but can be used for a stand-alone Microcontroller. To program the Arduino board, we use Arduino programming that is based on Processing, which is actually a C programming. Arduino board can have "Shields" attached to it to extend its capability.

You can use RasPi to program the Arduino.


These are all are pretty BASIC experiment in Arduino and Blender Game Engine, but something that I recommend you to try if you have access to such resources. It teaches you how to interface with Physical Microcontroller.

Not that different to how we can easily plug keyboard, mouse, joystick and other game controllers to control the video game consoles or things on computer.

However, learning and understanding Arduino and BGE will take you a lot further. You can control the LED lights to blink, you can control physical MOTOR, and so on.

We certainly need some of prerequisites here:
  • Understand the Blender Game Engine (BGE) basics
  • Understand a bit of Python
  • Basic knowledge of Arduino and programming the Arduino
If all sounds scary, don't be scared, it is all actually very simple. It is going to worth it to learn programming and computational thinking.

I always thought that young kids and University students that actually have access and resources to powerful computer and Arduino are quite lucky.

We are all pretty lucky to have a computer, Internet and BLENDER. Nothing can stop you from actually invest your time on Arduino (it is very cheap) and learn programming the right and fun way.

Even at the very basic level, you can already create an APPLICATION using BGE that can control the Arduino. How powerful is that? You will know it when you give it a try.


Next, I want to try the Kinect and OSC Controller:



  • Programming Arduino: Getting Started With Sketches by Simon Monk
  • Programming Arduino: Next Steps by Simon Monk

WORKSHOP (find your own local Arduino workshop)

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