Halloween Costume ideas 2015

MODELING / The ULTIMATE Wireframe Modifier

This is it:
The ultimate Wireframe Deformer.
This is not the first time I wrote about WIREFRAME in Blender. I have posted quite a few articles that cover "how you can create and render Wireframe in Blender". However, this is one post that summarize it: the easiest way to create wireframe is the Wireframe Deformer!


First thing first, I just installed Blender 2.7 the other day, still discovering some new things. Have you?

I will have a chat about Blender UI for both long time Blender users and NEW Blender users (welcome!).

As of today, March 2014, I have used Blender for around 2 years. Lots have changes since then, the interface is tidied up, it uses the space better. Buttons and texts used to be bigger, but now they are smaller and looks just right (you can always make the interface text bigger or smaller in Blender).

I have finally learned to live with the new SIDE TABS which I detested at first. I made my peace. At least this new SIDE TABS is dimmed down now (no longer ask for too much attention). I actually like the idea of PINNING for TOOLSHELF. That click and scroll on SIDE TABS is pretty neat, by the way.

My wishlist is for this TOOLSHELF to continue to grow so that it can be more easily customized for non-programmer and providing a custom container for useful scripts or maybe to be able to use ICON / THUMBNAILS for Animation Poses or 3D Assets.

I have added an additional updated notes and thought about SIDE TABS to my "Blender 101 UI Introduction" article.

Finally, I made peace with Tool Shelf.....
Yeah, SIDETABS... I guess this is going to be a love/hate relationship thing with this alien. I really think that eventually the TOOLSHELF will have its own PANEL.

Look.... Splitting 3D View Panel now gives you this kind of thing, that is horrible.

However, we all know that the N and T hotkeys to HIDE Property and ToolShelf side sub-panel should clean the 3D View Panel.

I supposed, the SIDE TABS is there for the convenient of NEW BLENDER USER when they first use Blender, which ease their transition. Blender UI is almost very hidden. It is very intuitive once you get into it.

The MENU BAR actually exists on almost every panel, and also context sensitive. That TOP MAIN MENU on the top is not really a MAIN MENU that people think, it is more like another panel (it is INFO panel). There is no usual UNDO/REDO on the top main menu, instead to get access to it, you either use common keyboard CTRL Z (Undo) or CTRL+SHIFT+Z (Redo) OR you find it on the SHELFTOOL in one of the SIDETABS.

Of course, it is also still useful for long time Blender users, but I usually open when I need it and close it again. I use SPACEBAR more often, unless I need certain Add-On Panel or I use certain tool a lot, then that TOOLSHELF is handy, regardless the SIDETABS.

Beginner Blender users, those little TRIANGLE on the top right and bottom left on every panel is for you to split panel and merge panel.

Blender UI is actually one of the best, even better than Houdini and Maya. It is fully customizable and flexible, you can extend and modify it via Python.

For beginner Blender users, if this Blender 2.7 is your FIRST 3D experience (or if you are a convert from any other 3D packages), you are a very lucky person.

I use Blender since version 2.5x, and I consider myself lucky as well. Because that is when Blender UI was get the first big overhaul.

Blender is one tool you want to have all the time. This is your MacGyver tool.

HOWEVER, my personal advice:
Empty your bowl (if you think you know a lot about 3D and Computer Graphics, you have not seen nothing yet, Blender gives you full on features, for an open source 3D tool, this is just amazing).

Take your time to learn Blender 3D just like when you discover 3D and computer graphics for the first time. Feel free to transfer all your previous 3D knowledge into Blender and prepare yourself to discover a lot of amusing and awesome Blender features that will blow your mind.

I must said it again:
Blender Keyboard HOTKEYS is VERY context, panel, and keyboard sensitive. Almost every button on your keyboard is assigned to certain hotkeys. You can work really fast once you get used to the shortcut. Blender works this way because the Menu on the Panel is very compact. There are hundreds of functions that can be accessed by tapping on SPACEBAR and type the command, if you ever forgot the shortcut or where to find it in the menu.

Beginner Blender users, do not just tap on keyboard randomly. However, do feel free to check every button on your keyboard and see what the button does. Don't be surprised by hotkeys such as:
  • P = enter Blender Game Engine PLAY mode, just hit ESC (escape) to get out of this mode.
  • H = hide selected object, just tap Alt+H to unhide the thing you just hide
  • X = delete, it has pop up prevention for you to confirm the deletion.
  • CTRL + UP/DOWN = maximize/minimize the panel that your mouse is hovering
  • CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT = change panel layout to one of the presets (you can make your own layout)
  • SHIFT + F = Walk / Fly mode, just like 1st person shooter. Read below.
  • TAB = change mode
  • SHIFT + F1-F12 = quick switch panel, only the one that is often used by Blender users, you can always manually arrange the layouts and panels.
When you suddenly in a strange unwanted situation, you can always go back to previous stage or undo.
When lost, always ask other Blender users, don't be frustrated. Ask me and I am happy to answer.

Here is a good overview of Blender keyboard hotkeys:

Obviously if you use certain tool often, you will get faster and faster, especially with Blender.

Below are places you want to ask questions and find answers:

You can also Google around, find some articles or YouTube videos to find your answers.

In Blender 2.7, the SHIFT+F "Fly" Navigation has been improved, we actually default to "Walk", it's no longer fly like crazy, it is more subtle and controllable with AWSD and QE to do dolly, boom and track/pan. The G gives your GRAVITY.

Note: This way of navigation is similar to First Person Shooter, or when you are working inside Unity 3D Engine and RMB click and drag around, with AWSD keyboard button.

The Walk/Fly Navigation feature is really useful if you want to do like a handheld camera effect, which you can also record for mocap style realtime motion capture. This is super easy to setup in Blender, just hit that RECORD (red dot button on the Timeline) and start moving the camera.

The Blender UI clearly has been improved to the next level in version 2.7. With ATTRIBUTE/PROPERTY value, we can now ALT+MouseScrollWheel up/down to quickly change value. This also work for Color, where we can adjust the brightness using wheel.

UPDATE 20140327:
At CG Cookie, Gottfried has covered some new features in 2.7 in video and nice articles (thanks Gottfried):


Anyway, enough chit chat, one BIG thing I discovered by accident:

The "ultimate" Wireframe Modifier!!! This should probably be exciting for Architecture or Motion Graphisc type of Blender artists. Use this Wireframe Modifier with Build Modifier, and you get the "growing effect".

Not long ago, in the past:

We used to "fake" Wireframe using Wire Material, which still is efficient in rendering Edges or Wireframe. Blender Cycles actually provides this Wireframe node to render wireframes (triangles only for now).

Wireframe, the easy way to show off your 3D model for Reel

We also have the hidden "Wire Frame" function that does similar thing, but a more once-off kind of business.

And now... we got this "Wireframe Modifier". This is what I like about Blender, a continuous development of practical tools that artists actually need!

It is very simple to use, just select a 3D mesh, then go under Modifier Tab in Properties panel and then select Add Modifier - Wireframe.

Now, since the Wireframe Modifier effect is LIVE (non-destructive) like any other Blender Modifiers, you can COMBO and TWEAK this Wireframe Modifier with other Modifiers.

There is an option to adjust the CREASE of the EDGE when used in tandem with Subvidision Surface Modifier:

Crease value 0, 0.5 and 1.
The thickness of the Wireframe can be Weighted using Paint Weight. This is Suzanne mesh, Paint Weighted (using CTRL+drag direction) in a gradient, used as factor for Wireframe Modifier.

Further observation, similar to Solidify Modifier, this modifier is also has the "Material Offset" option and it allows you to keep the Original Mesh. Which means, if you apply multiple materials into the same object, you can apply a totally different Material to the resulting Wireframe Mesh.


Decimate is pretty awesome in itself. It reduces the number of vertices of a mesh based on percentage, the effect is LIVE.

Do you know that  Decimate - Planar actually cleans up the "inside vertex" on a every flat face:

Some Blender artists are using it to create "Low Poly" look. Add Wireframe on top of it and you get an interested cage.


Boolean Modifier is also an interesting Modifier and quite powerful. Blender Boolean is certainly WAY better than Maya's Boolean and it simply works.

If you have multiple objects to Boolean, you will have to use multiple stacked Boolean. You can always use Python to ease this process. I am all about "quick and efficient workflow". I think it should be more automated.

Sometimes AFTER BOOLEAN, if you want a cleaner result you might want to perform:


We touched about Convex Hull before. It is a terminology normally used in Game Engine when talking about physical collision, we can use Convex Hull of an object (kindly like a mesh wrapping around the object volume used for collision).

Blender Edit Mode has "Convex Hull" function that turn a Mesh into its Convex Hull.

There is also another thing that is in my wishlist. Is for Blender to be able to create some kind of "random spider meshing" inside volume of an object. Normally this is used for 3D Printing so that the "inside" of 3D mesh does not collapse into itself, it has this meshing inside 3D volume.

I do not know if this is already exist in Blender or not. And whether it can be wireframed.


Skin Modifier is of course one of the most powerful Modifier in Blender. Apart from creating volume from just Vertices and Edges unlike any other 3D package out there, the Vertices can store Scale Radius that affect the creation of Skin mesh. And the scaling can be "flat" as well. I wrote before that you can create cage or Airplane by simply using Skin Modifier.

Now, on top of that, just add Wireframe Modifier and it just look like we are ready to create the cage for 3D Chinese Paper Lanterns!


There are a lot of interesting thing you can do to Mesh Volume. One of them is Cell Fracture. It is currently like an Add-On to break 3D mesh into "fracture" like mesh. Very useful to break things and use Blender Bullet physics.

I have wrote about this before, Cell Fracture creates an interesting Voronoi 3D shapes. I like this a lot. I am waiting for Blender VORONOI MODIFIER.

If you are somewhat diligent, and know few modeling tricks, you can get this "surface only" Voronoi cage:

Spiderman can now build his spiderweb every so easily with Blender.

Home sweet home, Spidey.


I have also mentioned this technique. This is another thing that I found by accident in Blender. Apparently Explode Modifier can give you an interesting kind of interesting structure that uses diagonal lines, vertical and horizontal lines. Just like Pipes.

If you use Solidify Modifier before the Wireframe, you have that extra additional "details" and you get this Asian style Bamboo constructions used in building. You can commonly find such thing in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, where they still use Bamboo structure to build architecture buildings.

In French, it will be Pompidou building structure?


Of course, you can go crazy by adding Decimate Modifier.

Well, I guess don't go that crazy unless you end up with ugly mesh.

Ugly mesh, but architecture likes to experiment with hard to construct building shapes.
Simple, subtle design is always better. Maybe this kind of thing for jewelry design?


Sverchok, of course, I didn't forget about it. It has some awesome generator such as Hilbert. It also has Voronoi. It's not directly related to Wireframing, but nevertheless, anything that generates topology will probably resulted in an interesting Wireframe.

Well, actually the Wireframe will always need FACES to work with, to generate the WIREFRAME MESH. Not just EDGES. For edges, I usually convert the edge to Curve, then Extrude and so on to create meshing.


How many stack of modifiers you can combo in Blender that retains the structure of topology of mesh while creating interesting mesh structure?

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