"The world of art," wrote Caxton, "is studded with artists whom we must recognize for their exceptional ability to practice in allied, or even divergent, fields with marked success in each. At random, Rubens was also a professional diplomat; Da Vinci was scientist and engineer; Michaelangelo was architect, sculptor, painter, and poet; and in our own country, three celebrated examples - John James Audobon, ornithologist and painter; Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph and portraitist; Joseph Pennell, noted etcher and writer."
"While the illustrations that accompany this article belong in the field of graphics, and therefore could be duplicated in quality from the hands of other talented artists, they do not, in themselves, represent the versatility which the writer claims for his subject. Many-sidedness can be a fetish of the amateur, but on the professional level it is rare to the point of being a virtue."

"When an artist becomes a successful teacher there are those who say that he teaches at the expense of his own practice, forgetting that since time immemorial even the masters were originally students of teachers. What Paucity there might have been had not Duveneck, Eakins, Henri, and Pyle - and others of like distinction - been willing to teach. And when in addition to his teaching such an artist practices painting, drawing, and printmaking in sufficient volume to make his mark in national competition, garnering medals and prizes, year after year, not only do we look up to such a one with respect, but imagine the authoritative effect of such a career in his classroom."

"But this is not all. The same artist has executive ability. He heads a large department of graphics, directing the teaching of other artists; he writes books and articles on art; lectures throughout the country; and in between times - and this is the wonder - illustrates books and magazines in several media and for such a variety of subjects that there are but few important publishers who have not used his services."

"Perhaps it has taken quite a space before naming Henry C. Pitz as the man and artist I have briefly described, but then it is consistently true that it is only after twenty five years of watching and evaluating his career that I could be as sure of his versatility as I am."

When I read William Caxton's introduction to the career of Henry C. Pitz, I knew that this week was the right time to present it here on the Today's Inspiration blog. It provided me with the ideal backdrop to make a public announcement about my own circumstances...

Because this week, after twenty-plus years as a full-time freelance illustrator, I began the next phase of my career as a graphic arts professional. I have taken a full time position as a "Professor of Graphic Arts" in the Graphic Design program at Mohawk College here in Hamilton.

I am very excited about this outstanding opportunity to test myself with the new challenges that teaching will present, and its hugely inspiring to think I'll be following in the footsteps of illustrators like Henry C. Pitz.
More importantly, I'm forever indebted and inspired by those who went to bat for me when I first decided to apply for this position. I wanted to publicly acknowledge and thank Murray Tinkelman, Neil Shapiro, Melanie Reim, Don Kilpatrick, Chuck Pyle, David Apatoff and Jaleen Grove. When asked for their help, these remarkable people overwhelmed me with their generous and immediate assistance. To each of them, my heartfelt thanks.

As I embark on this next phase of my career this blog will remain key to what I have planned for myself, for my students and for all of you who care to join me on the journey. It is my sincere hope that I am one day worthy of being considered a "versatile illustrator" of the sort that Henry C. Pitz was - and that those I have just mentioned above are.
Here's to "practices in allied, or even divergent, fields... with marked success in each!"
* My Henry C. Pitz Flickr set
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