When William Caxton Jr. wrote about Pitz in the Summer 1957 issue of American Artist, he talked about how Pitz had a passion for drawing. "For every drawing which has been commissioned and subsequently published - and there have been hundreds," wrote Caxton, "he has made thousands more."

"From his student days and right down to the present," wrote Caxton, "Henry Pitz has developed an amazing facility as a draughstman."
"He has worked on every surface of paper and utilized charcoal, pen, brush and ink, pencil, crayon and pastel, exploring them all."

"Many of the latter are preliminaries for illustration compositions..."

"... others are what he calls warm-up exercises, and these fill sheets and traverse everything from the human figure to animals, trees, architecture, to incidental studies, from real things to imaginary day-dreamings."

Caxton explained that early on in his career Henry Pitz had as a goal to illustrate books. "His first opportunity came in 1921," wrote William Caxton, and "during the ensuing thirty-five years Henry Pitz has illustrated more than 175 books - an average of five a year!"

"Many of these were executed in ink technique but a goodly number are in color. They range in subject from historical fiction of many periods to imaginative illustration for poetry to real life stories. Always characterized by a penetrating interpretation, the illustrations by Pitz are further vitalized by an engaging freshness, resultant from an ease of execution."

Unfortunately, because this week slipped away from me, I wasn't able to give Henry C. pitz the full treatment he deserves... but we will revisit his work on another occasion. For now, I like this conclusion to his biography on askart.com, written by his widow, Mary "Molly" Wheeler Wood Pitz, who tells us Pitz "was working on a painting the day before he died in his eighty first year, November 26, 1976, revered and beloved by his many friends and family."

* Hopefully next week I'll be settled into a routine and we can get back to a daily schedule!
* For now, be sure to visit Charlie Allen's Blog for the second-to-last CAWS, according to what Charlie tells me.
* Also, a new post is up at Storyboard Central showcasing the work of a legendary duo of Toronto marker renderers who had a studio called "Sphere".
* And finally, be sure to take a look at my post on Drawn! about the impending auction of autographed children's books, sketchbooks, and hand-drawn mock-ups by Evaline Ness, who was featured here recently during a week on female illustrators of the 1950's.
* My Henry C. Pitz Flickr set.
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